Natrona County Meals On Wheels COVID-19 Action Plan

Week 1: Start Monday, March 9th
- Quality hygiene practices by all staff and volunteers (communicate and post information)
- Staff to begin preparedness
- Order emergency meals to cover client meals for 12 days (2 emergency meals where sent out a week ago). One meals per day.
- Making frozen meals in case we need them to cover delays in deliveries.
- Disinfect/sanitize office, bathrooms, kitchen equipment, volunteer room and all handles daily
- Volunteers with underlying conditions asked to take a leave of absence
- Volunteers returning from foreign travel asked to take 14 days off from volunteering
- Staff/volunteers with any signs or symptoms to implement social distancing for at least 14 days
- Sanitize delivering bags daily after deliveries are made.
- MOW building closed to general public.
- Distribute communication to public (press release, Facebook update, MOW website)
Week 2: Start Monday, March 16th
- Continue communication to public (press release, Facebook update, MOW website)
- Continue communication to clients.
- Distribute communication to volunteer drivers (attached to route sheets)
- Still working on getting emergency meals ordered due to change in distributors quantities
- In-home assessments done via phone.
- Social distancing expected by volunteers and staff in the MOW building and on deliveries.
- Survey clients to see if they need toilet paper, sanitizer ect…
- Collect things need on survey
- Let each recipient know that starting next week we will deliver to coolers only, unless they cannot physically get meals out of the cooler.
- Take and record body temperature of all staff and volunteers daily upon arrival for shift.
Week 3: Start Monday, March 23rd
- MOW building closed to general public and volunteer drivers
- Continue communication to public (press release, Facebook update, MOW website)
- Continue communication to clients.
- Deliver meals to coolers only for clients.
- Allow no one but staff and board in the MOW building
- Distribute essentials to clients in need.
- Executive Committee meet to make a plan for how to handle wages and employees that wish to self-quarantine.
Day by Day 3: Things to consider (TBD)
- Distribute emergency meals when delivered for all clients for 14 days
- Increase frequency of phone calls to clients for well-being checks
- Seek additional funding (government, business and private)
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